Budding :
Bud formation in yeasts
In its simplest form asexual reproduction is by budding or binary fission. The onset of the cellular events is accompanied by the nuclear events of mitosis.
The initial events of budding can be seen as the development of a ring of chitin around the point where the bud is about to appear. This reinforces and stabilizes the cell wall. Enzymatic activity and turgor pressure the act to weaken and extrude the cell wall. New cell wall material is incorporated during this phase. Cell contents are then forced into the progeny cell.
Yeasts budding:
Chytridiomycete asexual reproduction : Chytrids are quite distinct from other fungi as they have extremely simple thalli and motile zoospores. Species within this group are very simple in structure and may only consist of a single cell, perhaps with rhizoids to anchor it on to a substrate.
Holocarpic chytrid
This is a diagram of a holocarpic chytrid, one where the entire thallus consists of only one cell with rhizoids. These are usually parasitic on aquatic plants or fish. The fungus 'feeds' from its substrate via its rhizoids. The entire cell contents will convert to motile zoospores.
Zygomycete Asexual Reproduction
An example of a zygomycete is black bread mold (Rhizopus stolonifera), a member of the Mucorales. It spreads over the surface of bread and other food sources, sending hyphae inward to absorb nutrients. In its asexual phase it develops bulbous black sporangia at the tips of upright hyphae, each containing hundreds of haploid spores. If the mycelia of complementary mating types are present, the fungus reproduces sexually and produces zygosporangia. Zygosporangia are typically thick-walled, highly resilient to environmental hardships, and are metabolically inert. When conditions improve, however, they germinate to produce a sporangium or vegetative hyphae.
Asexual reproduction in Ascomycetes and deuteromycetes
The process of spore formation in most members of the higher fungal groups is again based largely on the formation of aerial mycelium and the differentiation of the hyphal tip. However, unlike the process seen in the Zygomycetes, the process here involves something much more like the budding we see in the yeasts. This is termed a blastic process, which involves the blowing out or blebbing of the hyphal tip wall. The blastic process can involve all wall layers, or there can be a new cell wall synthesized which is extruded from within the old wall.The hypha that creates the sporing (conidiating) tip can be very similar to the normal hyphal tip, or it can be differentiated. The most common differentiation is the formation of a bottle shaped cell called a phialide, from which the spores are produced.
Sexual reproduction : It undergoes a process called meiosis
Sexual reproduction introduces the possibility of variation into a population, and this is why most fungi have a sexual phase. To achieve sexual reproduction it is necessary to have two mating type haploid nuclei (n + n), or a diploid (2n) nucleus. In the case of the two haploid nuclei they must fuse to form a diploid first, but once fused the nuclei undergo meiosis, which is the reduction division that potentially brings about variation in the progeny. These event are followed by the formation of spores, which in most cases are resting spores that can withstand adverse conditions.
It is the fusion of two nuclei occurs – zygote with a diploid nuclei forms
Process is called karyogamy
The zygote undergoes meiosis – 4 hyploid spores (n)
Spores are released – form new mycelia
Sexual reproduction in Zygomycetes:
There are two possible nuclear states in the mycelia of this group of fungi. They can have a single type of nucleus in their mycelium, a condition termed termed homothallism, or they can contain the two mating type nuclei within their mycelium, termed heterothallism. If the fungus is homothallic the first event in the onset of sexual reproduction has to be somatic fusion. This is termed conjugation. To achieve such a mating it is necessary to attract each other and an elaborate sequence of cellular and biochemical events have been established for some of these fungi. This signalling involves the secretion of inducer molecules that are responsible for causing the formation of zygophores, modified hyphal tips, and these then grow towards each other long a gradient of hormone.
Sexual reproduction in the Ascomycetes:
In this group of fungi there are no specialized organs of hyphal fusion, different mating type mycelia merely fuse with each other to form transient dikaryons, mycelia with two mating type nuclei within it. The dikaryotic mycelium can differentiate to from varying amounts of sterile mycelium around what is to become the fertile tissue of the fruit body. In yeasts, a single, diploid yeast will undergo meiosis, producing four haploid progeny cells, but in more complex fungi there are a sequence of cellular and nucleic events that ensure an organized fertile layer.
Sexual reproduction in the Basidiomycetes:
Onset of sexual spore formation is triggered by environmental conditions and in the larger Basidiomycetes begins with the formation of a fruit body primordium. The primordium expands and differentiates to form the large fruit bodies of mushrooms and toadstools. The mycelium within this structure remains as a dikaryon, diploid formation only occurring within the modified hyphal tip called the basidium. Meiosis occurs within the basidium, and the four products are extruded from the tip of the basidium on sterigma. Usually this event occurs across a large area of basidia called a hymenium, or fertile layer. It is usually formed over an extensive sterile layer of tissue like a mushroom gill.
Basidiomycetes are characterised by the most complex and large structures found in the fungi. They are very rarely produce asexual spores. Much of their life cycle is spent as vegetative mycelium, exploiting complex substrates.
A preliminary requisite for the onset of sexual reproduction is the acquisition of two mating types of nuclei by the fusion of compatible mycelium. This creates a dikaryon where single copies of the two mating type nuclei are held within every hyphal compartment for extended periods of time. Maintenance of the dikaryon requires elaborate septum formation.
Three major divisions in the basidiomycetes.
1. Hymenomycetes. Basidia are in extensive fertile layer which are susceptible to rain when exposed. Spores are actively discharged from a protected hymenium when ripe. This group includes mushrooms and toadstools, boletes, brackets and coral fungi.
2. Gasteromycetes. Hymenia line closed cavities in an initially closed fruit body. Basidiospores are released passively by autolysis of the hymenium, and basidiocarps disintegrate at maturity. This group includes earth balls, puff-balls, stinkhorns and birds nest fungi.
3. Teliomycetes. These are the rusts and smuts, neither of which form large, conspicuous, fruit bodies but invade plants and produce characteristic sporulating lesions in plant tissue.
Dormancy occurs when spores do not immediately germinate after formation. Dormancy is a break in the life cycle. There are two types, endogenous (constitutive) and exogenous (induced). Endogenous dormancy is due to some internal quality of the spore, a barrier to water or nutrient entry, a metabolic block, or an inhibitor. Self inhibition prevents spores from germinating in dense suspensions. It can be by excessive sensitivity to oxygen or carbon dioxide levels, nutrient competition, or most usually due to the presence of inhibitors.
There can also be physical barriers to germination. In one of the athlete foot fungi, Microsporium gypseum, there is a protein layer around the spore which prevents the uptake of water. This layer is removed by the action of a fungal acid phosphatase enzyme. This enzyme is inhibited by high levels of phosphate, and until phosphate levels in the environment drop the fungus spore does not germinate.
Endogenous (induced) dormancy occurs because of some external condition, and whilst these conditions prevail the spore will not germinate. As soon as the limiting factor is removed the spore germinates.
Optimal environmental signals trigger the end of dormancy and the onset of germination. Chemical stimuli can trigger germination. This is frequently seen in pathogens where host compounds can act as germination stimulants.Germination begins with imbibition, the uptake of water, which can cause a 3 to 20 fold increase in size. Spherical growth also accounts for some of the swelling. Eventually polarized growth starts, with the emergence of a germ tube from the spore. The spore wall may be ruptured and a new cell wall covered germ tube emerges, or the spore wall may be softened and the germ tube then emerges.
Air spora:
In between formation of spores and their eventual germination is a phase where spores are disseminated from their point of origin. Many fungi have elaborate mechanisms for getting their spores into the atmosphere which the best medium through which to spread spores. Many spores are very dry and friable, which means they are light enough to be lifted by air currents into the turbulent air above the boundary layer.
In the countryside this is very typically full of spores from pathogens of agricultural crops, from saprophytes of plant structures and from decaying matter. Species like Penicillium and Cladosporium tend to predominate. In the towns there are fewer agricultural pathogens but there are still hundreds of spores per cubic litre of air. Within homes and workplaces spore numbers can be even higher, and the species distribution tends to differ. In warm, dry areas Aspergillus spp. can become significant members of the air spora.